powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / xml / xml.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 12 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/xml/xml.h
// Purpose:     wxXmlDocument - XML parser & data holder class
// Author:      Vaclav Slavik
// Created:     2000/03/05
// Copyright:   (c) 2000 Vaclav Slavik
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_XML_H_
#define _WX_XML_H_

#include "wx/defs.h"

#if wxUSE_XML

#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/list.h"
#include "wx/textbuf.h"
#include "wx/versioninfo.h"

#elif defined(WXUSINGDLL)
#else // not making nor using DLL

class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XML wxXmlAttribute;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XML wxXmlDocument;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxInputStream;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxOutputStream;

// Represents XML node type.
enum wxXmlNodeType
    // note: values are synchronized with xmlElementType from libxml
    wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE       =  1,
    wxXML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE     =  2,
    wxXML_TEXT_NODE          =  3,
    wxXML_ENTITY_REF_NODE    =  5,
    wxXML_ENTITY_NODE        =  6,
    wxXML_PI_NODE            =  7,
    wxXML_COMMENT_NODE       =  8,
    wxXML_DOCUMENT_NODE      =  9,
    wxXML_NOTATION_NODE      = 12,

// Represents node property(ies).
// Example: in <img src="hello.gif" id="3"/> "src" is property with value
//          "hello.gif" and "id" is prop. with value "3".

class WXDLLIMPEXP_XML wxXmlAttribute
    wxXmlAttribute() : m_next(NULL) {}
    wxXmlAttribute(const wxString& name, const wxString& value,
                  wxXmlAttribute *next = NULL)
            : m_name(name), m_value(value), m_next(next) {}
    virtual ~wxXmlAttribute() {}

    const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name; }
    const wxString& GetValue() const { return m_value; }
    wxXmlAttribute *GetNext() const { return m_next; }

    void SetName(const wxString& name) { m_name = name; }
    void SetValue(const wxString& value) { m_value = value; }
    void SetNext(wxXmlAttribute *next) { m_next = next; }

    wxString m_name;
    wxString m_value;
    wxXmlAttribute *m_next;

    // NB: #define is used instead of typedef so that forward declarations
    //     continue to work
    #define wxXmlProperty wxXmlAttribute

// Represents node in XML document. Node has name and may have content and
// attributes. Most common node types are wxXML_TEXT_NODE (name and attributes
// are irrelevant) and wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE (e.g. in <title>hi</title> there is
// element with name="title", irrelevant content and one child (wxXML_TEXT_NODE
// with content="hi").
// If wxUSE_UNICODE is 0, all strings are encoded in the encoding given to Load
// (default is UTF-8).

        : m_attrs(NULL), m_parent(NULL), m_children(NULL), m_next(NULL),
          m_lineNo(-1), m_noConversion(false)

    wxXmlNode(wxXmlNode *parent, wxXmlNodeType type,
              const wxString& name, const wxString& content = wxEmptyString,
              wxXmlAttribute *attrs = NULL, wxXmlNode *next = NULL,
              int lineNo = -1);

    virtual ~wxXmlNode();

    // copy ctor & operator=. Note that this does NOT copy siblings
    // and parent pointer, i.e. m_parent and m_next will be NULL
    // after using copy ctor and are never unmodified by operator=.
    // On the other hand, it DOES copy children and attributes.
    wxXmlNode(const wxXmlNode& node);
    wxXmlNode& operator=(const wxXmlNode& node);

    // user-friendly creation:
    wxXmlNode(wxXmlNodeType type, const wxString& name,
              const wxString& content = wxEmptyString,
              int lineNo = -1);
    virtual void AddChild(wxXmlNode *child);
    virtual bool InsertChild(wxXmlNode *child, wxXmlNode *followingNode);
    virtual bool InsertChildAfter(wxXmlNode *child, wxXmlNode *precedingNode);
    virtual bool RemoveChild(wxXmlNode *child);
    virtual void AddAttribute(const wxString& name, const wxString& value);
    virtual bool DeleteAttribute(const wxString& name);

    // access methods:
    wxXmlNodeType GetType() const { return m_type; }
    const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name; }
    const wxString& GetContent() const { return m_content; }

    bool IsWhitespaceOnly() const;
    int GetDepth(wxXmlNode *grandparent = NULL) const;

    // Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE
    // The problem is, <tag>content<tag> is represented as
    // wxXML_ENTITY_NODE name="tag", content=""
    //    |-- wxXML_TEXT_NODE or
    //        wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE name="" content="content"
    wxString GetNodeContent() const;

    wxXmlNode *GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
    wxXmlNode *GetNext() const { return m_next; }
    wxXmlNode *GetChildren() const { return m_children; }

    wxXmlAttribute *GetAttributes() const { return m_attrs; }
    bool GetAttribute(const wxString& attrName, wxString *value) const;
    wxString GetAttribute(const wxString& attrName,
                          const wxString& defaultVal = wxEmptyString) const;
    bool HasAttribute(const wxString& attrName) const;

    int GetLineNumber() const { return m_lineNo; }

    void SetType(wxXmlNodeType type) { m_type = type; }
    void SetName(const wxString& name) { m_name = name; }
    void SetContent(const wxString& con) { m_content = con; }

    void SetParent(wxXmlNode *parent) { m_parent = parent; }
    void SetNext(wxXmlNode *next) { m_next = next; }
    void SetChildren(wxXmlNode *child) { m_children = child; }

    void SetAttributes(wxXmlAttribute *attr) { m_attrs = attr; }
    virtual void AddAttribute(wxXmlAttribute *attr);

    // If true, don't do encoding conversion to improve efficiency - node content is ASCII text
    bool GetNoConversion() const { return m_noConversion; }
    void SetNoConversion(bool noconversion) { m_noConversion = noconversion; }

    wxDEPRECATED( inline wxXmlAttribute *GetProperties() const );
    wxDEPRECATED( inline bool GetPropVal(const wxString& propName,
                                         wxString *value) const );
    wxDEPRECATED( inline wxString GetPropVal(const wxString& propName,
                                             const wxString& defaultVal) const );
    wxDEPRECATED( inline bool HasProp(const wxString& propName) const );

    wxDEPRECATED( inline void SetProperties(wxXmlAttribute *prop) );

    // The following three functions are backward compatibility, but because
    // they were virtual, we must make it possible to override them. This
    // is done by calling e.g. AddProperty() from AddAttribute(), so we have
    // to keep AddProperty() even if 2.8 compatibility is off. To prevent
    // old code from compiling in that case, we make them private and
    // non-virtual. (This can be removed when WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 is
    // removed, we'll have just *Attribute versions then.)
        virtual void AddProperty(const wxString& name, const wxString& value) );
        virtual bool DeleteProperty(const wxString& name) );
        virtual void AddProperty(wxXmlAttribute *attr) );
    void AddProperty(const wxString& name, const wxString& value);
    bool DeleteProperty(const wxString& name);
    void AddProperty(wxXmlAttribute *attr);

    wxXmlNodeType m_type;
    wxString m_name;
    wxString m_content;
    wxXmlAttribute *m_attrs;
    wxXmlNode *m_parent, *m_children, *m_next;
    int m_lineNo; // line number in original file, or -1
    bool m_noConversion; // don't do encoding conversion - node is plain text

    void DoFree();
    void DoCopy(const wxXmlNode& node);

inline wxXmlAttribute *wxXmlNode::GetProperties() const
    { return GetAttributes(); }
inline bool wxXmlNode::GetPropVal(const wxString& propName,
                                  wxString *value) const
    { return GetAttribute(propName, value); }
inline wxString wxXmlNode::GetPropVal(const wxString& propName,
                                      const wxString& defaultVal) const
    { return GetAttribute(propName, defaultVal); }
inline bool wxXmlNode::HasProp(const wxString& propName) const
    { return HasAttribute(propName); }
inline void wxXmlNode::SetProperties(wxXmlAttribute *prop)
    { SetAttributes(prop); }

class WXDLLIMPEXP_XML wxXmlDoctype
    wxXmlDoctype(const wxString& rootName = wxString(),
                 const wxString& systemId = wxString(),
                 const wxString& publicId = wxString())
                 : m_rootName(rootName),

    // Default copy ctor and assignment operators are ok.

    bool IsValid() const;
    void Clear();

    const wxString& GetRootName() const { return m_rootName; }
    const wxString& GetSystemId() const { return m_systemId; }
    const wxString& GetPublicId() const { return m_publicId; }

    wxString GetFullString() const;

    wxString m_rootName;
    wxString m_systemId;
    wxString m_publicId;

// special indentation value for wxXmlDocument::Save
#define wxXML_NO_INDENTATION           (-1)

// flags for wxXmlDocument::Load
enum wxXmlDocumentLoadFlag
    wxXMLDOC_NONE = 0,

// This class holds XML data/document as parsed by XML parser.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_XML wxXmlDocument : public wxObject
    wxXmlDocument(const wxString& filename,
                  const wxString& encoding = wxT("UTF-8"));
    wxXmlDocument(wxInputStream& stream,
                  const wxString& encoding = wxT("UTF-8"));
    virtual ~wxXmlDocument() { wxDELETE(m_docNode); }

    wxXmlDocument(const wxXmlDocument& doc);
    wxXmlDocument& operator=(const wxXmlDocument& doc);

    // Parses .xml file and loads data. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE
    // otherwise.
    virtual bool Load(const wxString& filename,
                      const wxString& encoding = wxT("UTF-8"), int flags = wxXMLDOC_NONE);
    virtual bool Load(wxInputStream& stream,
                      const wxString& encoding = wxT("UTF-8"), int flags = wxXMLDOC_NONE);

    // Saves document as .xml file.
    virtual bool Save(const wxString& filename, int indentstep = 2) const;
    virtual bool Save(wxOutputStream& stream, int indentstep = 2) const;

    bool IsOk() const { return GetRoot() != NULL; }

    // Returns root node of the document.
    wxXmlNode *GetRoot() const;
    // Returns the document node.
    wxXmlNode *GetDocumentNode() const { return m_docNode; }

    // Returns version of document (may be empty).
    const wxString& GetVersion() const { return m_version; }
    // Returns encoding of document (may be empty).
    // Note: this is the encoding original file was saved in, *not* the
    // encoding of in-memory representation!
    const wxString& GetFileEncoding() const { return m_fileEncoding; }
    const wxXmlDoctype& GetDoctype() const { return m_doctype; }
    // Returns file type of document
    wxTextFileType GetFileType() const { return m_fileType; }
    wxString GetEOL() const { return m_eol; }

    // Write-access methods:
    wxXmlNode *DetachDocumentNode() { wxXmlNode *old=m_docNode; m_docNode=NULL; return old; }
    void SetDocumentNode(wxXmlNode *node) { wxDELETE(m_docNode); m_docNode = node; }
    wxXmlNode *DetachRoot();
    void SetRoot(wxXmlNode *node);
    void SetVersion(const wxString& version) { m_version = version; }
    void SetFileEncoding(const wxString& encoding) { m_fileEncoding = encoding; }
    void SetDoctype(const wxXmlDoctype& doctype) { m_doctype = doctype; }
    void SetFileType(wxTextFileType fileType);
    void AppendToProlog(wxXmlNode *node);

    // Returns encoding of in-memory representation of the document
    // (same as passed to Load or ctor, defaults to UTF-8).
    // NB: this is meaningless in Unicode build where data are stored as wchar_t*
    wxString GetEncoding() const { return m_encoding; }
    void SetEncoding(const wxString& enc) { m_encoding = enc; }

    static wxVersionInfo GetLibraryVersionInfo();

    wxString   m_version;
    wxString   m_fileEncoding;
    wxString   m_encoding;
    wxXmlDoctype m_doctype;
    wxXmlNode *m_docNode;
    wxTextFileType m_fileType;
    wxString m_eol;

    void DoCopy(const wxXmlDocument& doc);


#endif // wxUSE_XML

#endif // _WX_XML_H_