powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / richtext / richtextxml.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 9 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/richtext/richtextxml.h
// Purpose:     XML and HTML I/O for wxRichTextCtrl
// Author:      Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created:     2005-09-30
// Copyright:   (c) Julian Smart
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


 * Includes

#include "wx/hashmap.h"
#include "wx/richtext/richtextbuffer.h"
#include "wx/richtext/richtextstyles.h"


    @class wxRichTextXMLHelper
    A utility class to help with XML import/export, that can be used outside
    saving a buffer if needed.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextXMLHelper: public wxObject
    wxRichTextXMLHelper() { Init(); }
    wxRichTextXMLHelper(const wxString& enc) { Init(); SetupForSaving(enc); }

    void Init();

    void SetupForSaving(const wxString& enc);

    void Clear();

    void SetFileEncoding(const wxString& encoding) { m_fileEncoding = encoding; }
    const wxString& GetFileEncoding() const { return m_fileEncoding; }

    // Convert a colour to a 6-digit hex string
    static wxString ColourToHexString(const wxColour& col);

    // Convert 6-digit hex string to a colour
    static wxColour HexStringToColour(const wxString& hex);

    static wxString MakeString(const int& v) { return wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), v); }
    static wxString MakeString(const long& v) { return wxString::Format(wxT("%ld"), v); }
    static wxString MakeString(const double& v) { return wxString::Format(wxS("%.2f"), v); }
    static wxString MakeString(const wxString& s) { return s; }
    static wxString MakeString(const wxColour& col) { return wxT("#") + ColourToHexString(col); }

    static bool HasParam(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& param);
    static wxXmlNode *GetParamNode(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& param);
    static wxString GetNodeContent(wxXmlNode *node);
    static wxString GetParamValue(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& param);
    static wxString GetText(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& param = wxEmptyString);
    static wxXmlNode* FindNode(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name);

    static wxString AttributeToXML(const wxString& str);

    static bool RichTextFixFaceName(wxString& facename);
    static long ColourStringToLong(const wxString& colStr);
    static wxTextAttrDimension ParseDimension(const wxString& dimStr);

    // Make a string from the given property. This can be overridden for custom variants.
    virtual wxString MakeStringFromProperty(const wxVariant& var);

    // Create a proprty from the string read from the XML file.
    virtual wxVariant MakePropertyFromString(const wxString& name, const wxString& value, const wxString& type);

    // Import properties
    virtual bool ImportProperties(wxRichTextProperties& properties, wxXmlNode* node);

    virtual bool ImportStyle(wxRichTextAttr& attr, wxXmlNode* node, bool isPara = false);
    virtual bool ImportStyleDefinition(wxRichTextStyleSheet* sheet, wxXmlNode* node);

    // Get flags, as per handler flags
    int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
    void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; }

    // write string to output
    static void OutputString(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& str,
                                wxMBConv *convMem, wxMBConv *convFile);

    static void OutputIndentation(wxOutputStream& stream, int indent);

    // Same as above, but create entities first.
    // Translates '<' to "&lt;", '>' to "&gt;" and '&' to "&amp;"
    static void OutputStringEnt(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& str,
                            wxMBConv *convMem, wxMBConv *convFile);

    void OutputString(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& str);
    void OutputStringEnt(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& str);

    static void AddString(wxString& str, const int& v) { str << wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), v); }
    static void AddString(wxString& str, const long& v) { str << wxString::Format(wxT("%ld"), v); }
    static void AddString(wxString& str, const double& v) { str << wxString::Format(wxS("%.2f"), v); }
    static void AddString(wxString& str, const wxChar* s) { str << s; }
    static void AddString(wxString& str, const wxString& s) { str << s; }
    static void AddString(wxString& str, const wxColour& col) { str << wxT("#") << ColourToHexString(col); }

    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const int& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const long& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const double& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const wxChar* s);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const wxString& s);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const wxColour& col);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& name, const wxTextAttrDimension& dim);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrDimensions& dims);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrBorder& border);
    static void AddAttribute(wxString& str, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrBorders& borders);

    /// Create a string containing style attributes
    static wxString AddAttributes(const wxRichTextAttr& attr, bool isPara = false);

    /// Create a string containing style attributes, plus further object 'attributes' (shown, id)
    static wxString AddAttributes(wxRichTextObject* obj, bool isPara = false);

    virtual bool ExportStyleDefinition(wxOutputStream& stream, wxRichTextStyleDefinition* def, int level);

    virtual bool WriteProperties(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxRichTextProperties& properties, int level);

    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const int& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const long& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const double& v);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const wxString& s);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const wxColour& col);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& name, const wxTextAttrDimension& dim);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrDimensions& dims);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrBorder& border);
    static void AddAttribute(wxXmlNode* node, const wxString& rootName, const wxTextAttrBorders& borders);

    static bool AddAttributes(wxXmlNode* node, wxRichTextAttr& attr, bool isPara = false);
    static bool AddAttributes(wxXmlNode* node, wxRichTextObject* obj, bool isPara = false);

    virtual bool ExportStyleDefinition(wxXmlNode* parent, wxRichTextStyleDefinition* def);

    // Write the properties
    virtual bool WriteProperties(wxXmlNode* node, const wxRichTextProperties& properties);


    // Used during saving
    wxMBConv*   m_convMem;
    wxMBConv*   m_convFile;
    bool        m_deleteConvFile;

    wxString    m_fileEncoding;
    int         m_flags;

    @class wxRichTextXMLHandler

    Implements XML loading and saving. Two methods of saving are included:
    writing directly to a text stream, and populating an wxXmlDocument
    before writing it. The former method is considerably faster, so we favour
    that one, even though the code is a little less elegant.

class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XML wxXmlDocument;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxRichTextXMLHandler: public wxRichTextFileHandler
    wxRichTextXMLHandler(const wxString& name = wxT("XML"), const wxString& ext = wxT("xml"), int type = wxRICHTEXT_TYPE_XML)
        : wxRichTextFileHandler(name, ext, type)
        { Init(); }

    void Init();


    /// Recursively export an object
    bool ExportXML(wxOutputStream& stream, wxRichTextObject& obj, int level);

    bool ExportXML(wxXmlNode* parent, wxRichTextObject& obj);

    /// Recursively import an object
    bool ImportXML(wxRichTextBuffer* buffer, wxRichTextObject* obj, wxXmlNode* node);

    /// Creates an object given an XML element name
    virtual wxRichTextObject* CreateObjectForXMLName(wxRichTextObject* parent, const wxString& name) const;

    /// Can we save using this handler?
    virtual bool CanSave() const wxOVERRIDE { return true; }

    /// Can we load using this handler?
    virtual bool CanLoad() const wxOVERRIDE { return true; }

    /// Returns the XML helper object, implementing functionality
    /// that can be reused elsewhere.
    wxRichTextXMLHelper& GetHelper() { return m_helper; }

// Implementation

        Call with XML node name, C++ class name so that wxRTC can read in the node.
        If you add a custom object, call this.
    static void RegisterNodeName(const wxString& nodeName, const wxString& className) { sm_nodeNameToClassMap[nodeName] = className; }

        Cleans up the mapping between node name and C++ class.
    static void ClearNodeToClassMap() { sm_nodeNameToClassMap.clear(); }

    virtual bool DoLoadFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, wxInputStream& stream) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual bool DoSaveFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, wxOutputStream& stream) wxOVERRIDE;

    wxRichTextXMLHelper m_helper;

    static wxStringToStringHashMap sm_nodeNameToClassMap;

    // wxUSE_RICHTEXT && wxUSE_XML
