powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / private / icondir.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 2 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/private/icondir.h
// Purpose:     Declarations of structs used for loading MS icons
// Author:      wxWidgets team
// Created:     2017-05-19
// Copyright:   (c) 2017 wxWidgets team
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


#include "wx/defs.h"          // wxUint* declarations

// Structs declared here are used for loading group icons from
// .ICO files or MS Windows resources.
// Icon entry and directory structs for .ICO files and
// MS Windows resources are very similar but not identical.



// icon entry in .ICO files
    wxUint8         bWidth;               // Width of the image
    wxUint8         bHeight;              // Height of the image (times 2)
    wxUint8         bColorCount;          // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
    wxUint8         bReserved;            // Reserved

    // these two are different in icons and cursors:
                                          // icon           or  cursor
    wxUint16        wPlanes;              // Color Planes   or  XHotSpot
    wxUint16        wBitCount;            // Bits per pixel or  YHotSpot

    wxUint32        dwBytesInRes;         // how many bytes in this resource?
    wxUint32        dwImageOffset;        // where in the file is this image

// icon directory in .ICO files
struct ICONDIR
    wxUint16     idReserved;   // Reserved
    wxUint16     idType;       // resource type (1 for icons, 2 for cursors)
    wxUint16     idCount;      // how many images?

#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

#ifdef __WINDOWS__

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(2)

// icon entry in MS Windows resources
    wxUint8         bWidth;               // Width of the image
    wxUint8         bHeight;              // Height of the image (times 2)
    wxUint8         bColorCount;          // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
    wxUint8         bReserved;            // Reserved

    // these two are different in icons and cursors:
                                          // icon           or  cursor
    wxUint16        wPlanes;              // Color Planes   or  XHotSpot
    wxUint16        wBitCount;            // Bits per pixel or  YHotSpot

    wxUint32        dwBytesInRes;         // how many bytes in this resource?

    wxUint16        nID;                  // actual icon resource ID

// icon directory in MS Windows resources
    wxUint16        idReserved;   // Reserved
    wxUint16        idType;       // resource type (1 for icons, 2 for cursors)
    wxUint16        idCount;      // how many images?
    GRPICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // The entries for each image

#pragma pack(pop)

#endif // __WINDOWS__

#endif // wxUSE_ICO_CUR