powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / motif / window.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 11 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/motif/window.h
// Purpose:     wxWindow class
// Author:      Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created:     17/09/98
// Copyright:   (c) Julian Smart
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_WINDOW_H_
#define _WX_WINDOW_H_

#include "wx/region.h"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxWindow class for Motif - see also wxWindowBase
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxWindow : public wxWindowBase
    friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxDC;
    friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxWindowDC;

    wxWindow() { Init(); }

    wxWindow(wxWindow *parent,
             wxWindowID id,
             const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
             const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
             long style = 0,
             const wxString& name = wxASCII_STR(wxPanelNameStr))
        Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name);

    virtual ~wxWindow();

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID id,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = 0,
                const wxString& name = wxASCII_STR(wxPanelNameStr));

    // implement base class pure virtuals
    virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& label);
    virtual wxString GetLabel() const;

    virtual void Raise();
    virtual void Lower();

    virtual bool Show( bool show = true );
    virtual bool Enable( bool enable = true );

    virtual void SetFocus();

    virtual void WarpPointer(int x, int y);

    virtual void Refresh( bool eraseBackground = true,
        const wxRect *rect = (const wxRect *) NULL );

    virtual bool SetBackgroundColour( const wxColour &colour );
    virtual bool SetForegroundColour( const wxColour &colour );

    virtual bool SetCursor( const wxCursor &cursor );
    virtual bool SetFont( const wxFont &font );

    virtual int GetCharHeight() const;
    virtual int GetCharWidth() const;

    virtual void SetScrollbar( int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
        int range, bool refresh = true );
    virtual void SetScrollPos( int orient, int pos, bool refresh = true );
    virtual int GetScrollPos( int orient ) const;
    virtual int GetScrollThumb( int orient ) const;
    virtual int GetScrollRange( int orient ) const;
    virtual void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy,
        const wxRect* rect = NULL );

    virtual void SetDropTarget( wxDropTarget *dropTarget );
#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP

    // Accept files for dragging
    virtual void DragAcceptFiles(bool accept);

    // Get the unique identifier of a window
    virtual WXWidget GetHandle() const { return GetMainWidget(); }

    // implementation from now on
    // --------------------------

    // accessors
    // ---------

    // Get main widget for this window, e.g. a text widget
    virtual WXWidget GetMainWidget() const;
    // Get the widget that corresponds to the label (for font setting,
    // label setting etc.)
    virtual WXWidget GetLabelWidget() const;
    // Get the client widget for this window (something we can create other
    // windows on)
    virtual WXWidget GetClientWidget() const;
    // Get the top widget for this window, e.g. the scrolled widget parent of a
    // multi-line text widget. Top means, top in the window hierarchy that
    // implements this window.
    virtual WXWidget GetTopWidget() const;

    // Get the underlying X window and display
    WXWindow GetClientXWindow() const;
    WXWindow GetXWindow() const;
    WXDisplay *GetXDisplay() const;

    void SetLastClick(int button, long timestamp)
    { m_lastButton = button; m_lastTS = timestamp; }

    int GetLastClickedButton() const { return m_lastButton; }
    long GetLastClickTime() const { return m_lastTS; }

    // Gives window a chance to do something in response to a size message,
    // e.g. arrange status bar, toolbar etc.
    virtual bool PreResize();

    // Generates a paint event
    virtual void DoPaint();

    // update rectangle/region manipulation
    // (for wxWindowDC and Motif callbacks only)
    // -----------------------------------------

    // Adds a rectangle to the updates list
    void AddUpdateRect(int x, int y, int w, int h);

    void ClearUpdateRegion() { m_updateRegion.Clear(); }
    void SetUpdateRegion(const wxRegion& region) { m_updateRegion = region; }

    // post-creation activities
    void PostCreation();

    // pre-creation activities
    void PreCreation();

    // Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children.
    void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);

    // Motif-specific

    void SetMainWidget(WXWidget w) { m_mainWidget = w; }

    // See src/motif/window.cpp, near the top, for an explanation
    // why this is necessary
    void CanvasSetSizeIntr(int x, int y, int width, int height,
                           int sizeFlags, bool fromCtor);
    void DoSetSizeIntr(int x, int y,
                       int width, int height,
                       int sizeFlags, bool fromCtor);

    // for DoMoveWindowIntr flags
        wxMOVE_X = 1,
        wxMOVE_Y = 2,
        wxMOVE_WIDTH = 4,
        wxMOVE_HEIGHT = 8

    void DoMoveWindowIntr(int x, int y, int width, int height,
                          int flags);

    // helper function, to remove duplicate code, used in wxScrollBar
    WXWidget DoCreateScrollBar(WXWidget parent, wxOrientation orientation,
                               void (*callback)());
    WXPixmap GetBackingPixmap() const { return m_backingPixmap; }
    void SetBackingPixmap(WXPixmap pixmap) { m_backingPixmap = pixmap; }
    int GetPixmapWidth() const { return m_pixmapWidth; }
    int GetPixmapHeight() const { return m_pixmapHeight; }
    void SetPixmapWidth(int w) { m_pixmapWidth = w; }
    void SetPixmapHeight(int h) { m_pixmapHeight = h; }

    // Change properties
    // Change to the current font (often overridden)
    virtual void ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize = true);

    // Change background and foreground colour using current background colour
    // setting (Motif generates foreground based on background)
    virtual void ChangeBackgroundColour();
    // Change foreground colour using current foreground colour setting
    virtual void ChangeForegroundColour();

    // Adds the widget to the hash table and adds event handlers.
    bool AttachWidget(wxWindow* parent, WXWidget mainWidget,
        WXWidget formWidget, int x, int y, int width, int height);
    bool DetachWidget(WXWidget widget);

    // How to implement accelerators. If we find a key event, translate to
    // wxWidgets wxKeyEvent form. Find a widget for the window. Now find a
    // wxWindow for the widget. If there isn't one, go up the widget hierarchy
    // trying to find one. Once one is found, call ProcessAccelerator for the
    // window. If it returns true (processed the event), skip the X event,
    // otherwise carry on up the wxWidgets window hierarchy calling
    // ProcessAccelerator. If all return false, process the X event as normal.
    // Eventually we can implement OnCharHook the same way, but concentrate on
    // accelerators for now. ProcessAccelerator must look at the current
    // accelerator table, and try to find what menu id or window (beneath it)
    // has this ID. Then construct an appropriate command
    // event and send it.
    virtual bool ProcessAccelerator(wxKeyEvent& event);

    // unmanage and destroy an X widget f it's !NULL (passing NULL is ok)
    void UnmanageAndDestroy(WXWidget widget);

    // map or unmap an X widget (passing NULL is ok),
    // returns true if widget was mapped/unmapped
    bool MapOrUnmap(WXWidget widget, bool map);

    // scrolling stuff
    // ---------------

    // create/destroy window scrollbars
    void CreateScrollbar(wxOrientation orientation);
    void DestroyScrollbar(wxOrientation orientation);

    // get either hor or vert scrollbar widget
    WXWidget GetScrollbar(wxOrientation orient) const
    { return orient == wxHORIZONTAL ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar; }

    // set the scroll pos
    void SetInternalScrollPos(wxOrientation orient, int pos)
        if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL )
            m_scrollPosX = pos;
            m_scrollPosY = pos;

    // Motif-specific flags
    // --------------------

    bool m_needsRefresh:1;          // repaint backing store?

    // For double-click detection
    long                  m_lastTS;           // last timestamp
    unsigned              m_lastButton:2;     // last pressed button

    WXWidget              m_mainWidget;
    WXWidget              m_hScrollBar;
    WXWidget              m_vScrollBar;
    WXWidget              m_borderWidget;
    WXWidget              m_scrolledWindow;
    WXWidget              m_drawingArea;
    bool                  m_winCaptured:1;
    WXPixmap              m_backingPixmap;
    int                   m_pixmapWidth;
    int                   m_pixmapHeight;
    int                   m_pixmapOffsetX;
    int                   m_pixmapOffsetY;

    // Store the last scroll pos, since in wxWin the pos isn't set
    // automatically by system
    int                   m_scrollPosX;
    int                   m_scrollPosY;

    // implement the base class pure virtuals
    virtual void DoGetTextExtent(const wxString& string,
                                 int *x, int *y,
                                 int *descent = NULL,
                                 int *externalLeading = NULL,
                                 const wxFont *font = NULL) const;
    virtual void DoClientToScreen( int *x, int *y ) const;
    virtual void DoScreenToClient( int *x, int *y ) const;
    virtual void DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const;
    virtual void DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
    virtual void DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
    virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y,
        int width, int height,
        int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
    virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
    virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
    virtual bool DoPopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, int x, int y);
    virtual void DoCaptureMouse();
    virtual void DoReleaseMouse();

    virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS

    // common part of all ctors
    void Init();


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A little class to switch off `size optimization' while an instance of the
// object exists: this may be useful to temporarily disable the optimisation
// which consists to do nothing when the new size is equal to the old size -
// although quite useful usually to avoid flicker, sometimes it leads to
// undesired effects.
// Usage: create an instance of this class on the stack to disable the size
// optimisation, it will be re-enabled as soon as the object goes out
// from scope.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxNoOptimize
    wxNoOptimize() { ms_count++; }
    ~wxNoOptimize() { ms_count--; }

    static bool CanOptimize() { return ms_count == 0; }

    static int ms_count;

#endif // _WX_WINDOW_H_