powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / gtk / app.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 3 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/gtk/app.h
// Purpose:     wxApp definition for wxGTK
// Author:      Robert Roebling
// Copyright:   (c) 1998 Robert Roebling, Julian Smart
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_GTK_APP_H_
#define _WX_GTK_APP_H_

// classes

// wxApp

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxApp: public wxAppBase
    virtual ~wxApp();

    /* override for altering the way wxGTK initializes the GUI
     * (palette/visual/colorcube). under wxMSW, OnInitGui() does nothing by
     * default. when overriding this method, the code in it is likely to be
     * platform dependent, otherwise use OnInit(). */
    virtual bool SetNativeTheme(const wxString& theme) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual bool OnInitGui() wxOVERRIDE;

    // override base class (pure) virtuals
    virtual void WakeUpIdle() wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual bool Initialize(int& argc, wxChar **argv) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual void CleanUp() wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual void OnAssertFailure(const wxChar *file,
                                 int line,
                                 const wxChar *func,
                                 const wxChar *cond,
                                 const wxChar *msg) wxOVERRIDE;

    // GTK-specific methods
    // -------------------

    // this can be overridden to return a specific visual to be used for GTK+
    // instead of the default one (it's used by wxGLApp)
    // must return XVisualInfo pointer (it is not freed by caller)
    virtual void *GetXVisualInfo() { return NULL; }

    // Check if we're using a global menu. Currently this is only true when
    // running under Ubuntu Unity and global menu is not disabled.
    // This is mostly used in the implementation in order to work around
    // various bugs arising due to this.
    static bool GTKIsUsingGlobalMenu();

    // Provide the ability to suppress GTK output. By default, all output
    // will be suppressed, but the user can pass in a mask specifying the
    // types of messages to suppress. Flags are defined by glib with the
    // GLogLevelFlags enum.
    static void GTKSuppressDiagnostics(int flags = -1);

#if wxABI_VERSION >= 30201
    // Allow wxWidgets to control GTK diagnostics. This is recommended because
    // it prevents spurious GTK messages from appearing, but can't be done by
    // default because it would result in a fatal error if the application
    // calls g_log_set_writer_func() itself.
    static void GTKAllowDiagnosticsControl();
#endif // wxABI_VERSION >= 3.2.1

    // implementation only from now on
    // -------------------------------

    // check for pending events, without interference from our idle source
    bool EventsPending();
    bool DoIdle();

    // true if we're inside an assert modal dialog
    bool m_isInAssert;

    wxMutex m_idleMutex;
    unsigned m_idleSourceId;


#endif // _WX_GTK_APP_H_