powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / generic / spinctlg.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 14 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/generic/spinctlg.h
// Purpose:     generic wxSpinCtrl class
// Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created:     28.10.99
// Copyright:   (c) Vadim Zeitlin
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSpinCtrl is a combination of wxSpinButton and wxTextCtrl, so if
// wxSpinButton is available, this is what we do - but if it isn't, we still
// define wxSpinCtrl class which then has the same appearance as wxTextCtrl but
// the different interface. This allows to write programs using wxSpinCtrl
// without tons of #ifdefs.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include "wx/compositewin.h"

class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxSpinButton;

class wxSpinCtrlTextGeneric; // wxTextCtrl used for the wxSpinCtrlGenericBase

// The !wxUSE_SPINBTN version's GetValue() function conflicts with the
// wxTextCtrl's GetValue() and so you have to input a dummy int value.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSpinCtrlGeneric is a combination of wxTextCtrl and wxSpinButton
// This class manages a double valued generic spinctrl through the DoGet/SetXXX
// functions that are made public as Get/SetXXX functions for int or double
// for the wxSpinCtrl and wxSpinCtrlDouble classes respectively to avoid
// function ambiguity.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxSpinCtrlGenericBase
                : public wxNavigationEnabled<wxCompositeWindow<wxSpinCtrlBase> >
    wxSpinCtrlGenericBase() { Init(); }

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
                double min = 0, double max = 100, double initial = 0,
                double inc = 1,
                const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrl"));

    virtual ~wxSpinCtrlGenericBase();

    // accessors
    virtual wxString GetTextValue() const wxOVERRIDE;
    // T GetValue() const
    // T GetMin() const
    // T GetMax() const
    // T GetIncrement() const
    virtual bool GetSnapToTicks() const wxOVERRIDE { return m_snap_to_ticks; }
    // unsigned GetDigits() const                   - wxSpinCtrlDouble only

    // operations
    virtual void SetValue(const wxString& text) wxOVERRIDE;
    // void SetValue(T val)
    // void SetRange(T minVal, T maxVal)
    // void SetIncrement(T inc)
    virtual void SetSnapToTicks(bool snap_to_ticks) wxOVERRIDE;
    // void SetDigits(unsigned digits)              - wxSpinCtrlDouble only

    // Select text in the textctrl
    void SetSelection(long from, long to) wxOVERRIDE;

    // implementation from now on

    // forward these functions to all subcontrols
    virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual bool Show(bool show = true) wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour) wxOVERRIDE;

    // get the subcontrols
    wxTextCtrl   *GetText() const       { return m_textCtrl; }
    wxSpinButton *GetSpinButton() const { return m_spinButton; }

    // forwarded events from children windows
    void OnSpinButton(wxSpinEvent& event);
    void OnTextLostFocus(wxFocusEvent& event);
    void OnTextChar(wxKeyEvent& event);

    // this window itself is used only as a container for its sub windows so it
    // shouldn't accept the focus at all and any attempts to explicitly set
    // focus to it should give focus to its text constol part
    virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const wxOVERRIDE { return false; }
    virtual void SetFocus() wxOVERRIDE;

    friend class wxSpinCtrlTextGeneric;

    // override the base class virtuals involved into geometry calculations
    virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual wxSize DoGetSizeFromTextSize(int xlen, int ylen = -1) const wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) wxOVERRIDE;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    // and, for MSW, enabling this window itself
    virtual void DoEnable(bool enable) wxOVERRIDE;
#endif // __WXMSW__

    enum SendEvent

    // generic double valued functions
    double DoGetValue() const { return m_value; }
    bool DoSetValue(double val, SendEvent sendEvent);
    void DoSetRange(double min_val, double max_val);
    void DoSetIncrement(double inc);

    // update our value to reflect the text control contents (if it has been
    // modified by user, do nothing otherwise)
    // can also change the text control if its value is invalid
    // return true if our value has changed
    bool SyncSpinToText(SendEvent sendEvent);

    // Send the correct event type
    virtual void DoSendEvent() = 0;

    // Convert the text to/from the corresponding value.
    virtual bool DoTextToValue(const wxString& text, double *val) = 0;
    virtual wxString DoValueToText(double val) = 0;

    // check if the value is in range
    bool InRange(double n) const { return (n >= m_min) && (n <= m_max); }

    // adjust the value to fit the range and snap it to ticks if necessary
    double AdjustAndSnap(double value) const;

    // ensure that the value is in range wrapping it round if necessary
    double AdjustToFitInRange(double value) const;

    // Assign validator with current parameters
    virtual void ResetTextValidator() = 0;

    double m_value;
    double m_min;
    double m_max;
    double m_increment;
    bool   m_snap_to_ticks;

    int m_spin_value;

    // the subcontrols
    wxTextCtrl   *m_textCtrl;
    wxSpinButton *m_spinButton;

    // common part of all ctors
    void Init();

    // Implement pure virtual function inherited from wxCompositeWindow.
    virtual wxWindowList GetCompositeWindowParts() const wxOVERRIDE;


#else // !wxUSE_SPINBTN

#define wxSPINCTRL_GETVALUE_FIX int = 1

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSpinCtrl is just a text control
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "wx/textctrl.h"

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxSpinCtrlGenericBase : public wxTextCtrl
    wxSpinCtrlGenericBase() : m_value(0), m_min(0), m_max(100),
                              m_increment(1), m_snap_to_ticks(false),
                              m_format(wxT("%g")) { }

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
                double min = 0, double max = 100, double initial = 0,
                double inc = 1,
                const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrl"))
        m_min = min;
        m_max = max;
        m_value = initial;
        m_increment = inc;

        bool ok = wxTextCtrl::Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style,
                                     wxDefaultValidator, name);
        DoSetValue(initial, SendEvent_None);

        return ok;

    // accessors
    // T GetValue() const
    // T GetMin() const
    // T GetMax() const
    // T GetIncrement() const
    virtual bool GetSnapToTicks() const { return m_snap_to_ticks; }
    // unsigned GetDigits() const                   - wxSpinCtrlDouble only

    // operations
    virtual void SetValue(const wxString& text) { wxTextCtrl::SetValue(text); }
    // void SetValue(T val)
    // void SetRange(T minVal, T maxVal)
    // void SetIncrement(T inc)
    virtual void SetSnapToTicks(bool snap_to_ticks)
        { m_snap_to_ticks = snap_to_ticks; }
    // void SetDigits(unsigned digits)              - wxSpinCtrlDouble only

    // Select text in the textctrl
    //void SetSelection(long from, long to);

    // generic double valued
    double DoGetValue() const
        double n;
        if ( (wxSscanf(wxTextCtrl::GetValue(), wxT("%lf"), &n) != 1) )
            n = INT_MIN;

        return n;

    bool DoSetValue(double val, SendEvent sendEvent)
        wxString str(wxString::Format(m_format, val));
        switch ( sendEvent )
            case SendEvent_None:

            case SendEvent_Text:

        return true;
    void DoSetRange(double min_val, double max_val)
        m_min = min_val;
        m_max = max_val;
    void DoSetIncrement(double inc) { m_increment = inc; } // Note: unused

    double m_value;
    double m_min;
    double m_max;
    double m_increment;
    bool   m_snap_to_ticks;
    wxString m_format;


#if !defined(wxHAS_NATIVE_SPINCTRL)

// wxSpinCtrl

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxSpinCtrl : public wxSpinCtrlGenericBase
    wxSpinCtrl() { Init(); }
    wxSpinCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
               wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
               const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
               const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
               const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
               long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
               int min = 0, int max = 100, int initial = 0,
               const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrl"))

        Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, min, max, initial, name);

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
                int min = 0, int max = 100, int initial = 0,
                const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrl"))
        return wxSpinCtrlGenericBase::Create(parent, id, value, pos, size,
                                             style, min, max, initial, 1, name);

    // accessors
    int GetValue(wxSPINCTRL_GETVALUE_FIX) const { return int(DoGetValue()); }
    int GetMin() const { return int(m_min); }
    int GetMax() const { return int(m_max); }
    int GetIncrement() const { return int(m_increment); }

    // operations
    virtual void SetValue(const wxString& value) wxOVERRIDE
        { wxSpinCtrlGenericBase::SetValue(value); }
    void SetValue( int value )              { DoSetValue(value, SendEvent_None); }
    void SetRange( int minVal, int maxVal ) { DoSetRange(minVal, maxVal); }
    void SetIncrement(int inc) { DoSetIncrement(inc); }

    virtual int GetBase() const wxOVERRIDE { return m_base; }
    virtual bool SetBase(int base) wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual void DoSendEvent() wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual bool DoTextToValue(const wxString& text, double *val) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual wxString DoValueToText(double val) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual void ResetTextValidator() wxOVERRIDE;

    // Common part of all ctors.
    void Init()
        m_base = 10;

    int m_base;



// wxSpinCtrlDouble

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxSpinCtrlDouble : public wxSpinCtrlGenericBase
    wxSpinCtrlDouble() { Init(); }
    wxSpinCtrlDouble(wxWindow *parent,
                     wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                     const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
                     const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                     const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                     long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
                     double min = 0, double max = 100, double initial = 0,
                     double inc = 1,
                     const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrlDouble"))

        Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style,
               min, max, initial, inc, name);

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
                double min = 0, double max = 100, double initial = 0,
                double inc = 1,
                const wxString& name = wxT("wxSpinCtrlDouble"));

    // accessors
    double GetValue(wxSPINCTRL_GETVALUE_FIX) const { return DoGetValue(); }
    double GetMin() const { return m_min; }
    double GetMax() const { return m_max; }
    double GetIncrement() const { return m_increment; }
    unsigned GetDigits() const { return m_digits; }

    // operations
    void SetValue(const wxString& value) wxOVERRIDE
        { wxSpinCtrlGenericBase::SetValue(value); }
    void SetValue(double value)                 { DoSetValue(value, SendEvent_None); }
    void SetRange(double minVal, double maxVal) { DoSetRange(minVal, maxVal); }
    void SetIncrement(double inc);
    void SetDigits(unsigned digits);

    // We don't implement bases support for floating point numbers, this is not
    // very useful in practice.
    virtual int GetBase() const wxOVERRIDE { return 10; }
    virtual bool SetBase(int WXUNUSED(base)) wxOVERRIDE { return false; }

    virtual void DoSendEvent() wxOVERRIDE;

    virtual bool DoTextToValue(const wxString& text, double *val) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual wxString DoValueToText(double val) wxOVERRIDE;
    virtual void ResetTextValidator() wxOVERRIDE;

    unsigned m_digits;

    // Common part of all ctors.
    void Init()

    // Just set the number of digits and the format unconditionally.
    void DoSetDigits(unsigned digits);

    // Call DoSetDigits() and update the appearance.
    void DoSetDigitsAndUpdate(unsigned digits);
