powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / dfb / wrapdfb.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 16 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/dfb/wrapdfb.h
// Purpose:     wx wrappers for DirectFB interfaces
// Author:      Vaclav Slavik
// Created:     2006-08-23
// Copyright:   (c) 2006 REA Elektronik GmbH
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_DFB_WRAPDFB_H_
#define _WX_DFB_WRAPDFB_H_

#include "wx/dfb/dfbptr.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/vidmode.h"

#include <directfb.h>
#include <directfb_version.h>

// DFB < 1.0 didn't have u8 type, only __u8
typedef __u8 u8;


    Checks the @a code of a DirectFB call and returns true if it was
    successful and false if it failed, logging the errors as appropriate
    (asserts for programming errors, wxLogError for runtime failures).
bool wxDfbCheckReturn(DFBResult code);

// wxDfbEvent

    The struct defined by this macro is a thin wrapper around DFB*Event type.
    It is needed because DFB*Event are typedefs and so we can't forward declare
    them, but we need to pass them to methods declared in public headers where
    <directfb.h> cannot be included. So this struct just holds the event value,
    it's sole purpose is that it can be forward declared.
#define WXDFB_DEFINE_EVENT_WRAPPER(T)                                       \
    struct wx##T                                                            \
    {                                                                       \
        wx##T() {}                                                          \
        wx##T(const T& event) : m_event(event) {}                           \
        operator T&() { return m_event; }                                   \
        operator const T&() const { return m_event; }                       \
        T* operator&() { return &m_event; }                                 \
        DFBEventClass GetClass() const { return m_event.clazz; }            \
    private:                                                                \
        T m_event;                                                          \


// wxDfbWrapper<T>

/// Base class for wxDfbWrapper<T>
class wxDfbWrapperBase
    /// Increases reference count of the object
    void AddRef()

    /// Decreases reference count and if it reaches zero, deletes the object
    void Release()
        if ( --m_refCnt == 0 )
            delete this;

    /// Returns result code of the last call
    DFBResult GetLastResult() const { return m_lastResult; }

    wxDfbWrapperBase() : m_refCnt(1), m_lastResult(DFB_OK) {}

    /// Dtor may only be called from Release()
    virtual ~wxDfbWrapperBase() {}

        Checks the @a result of a DirectFB call and returns true if it was
        successful and false if it failed. Also stores result of the call
        so that it can be obtained by calling GetLastResult().
    bool Check(DFBResult result)
        m_lastResult = result;
        return wxDfbCheckReturn(result);

    /// Reference count
    unsigned m_refCnt;

    /// Result of the last DirectFB call
    DFBResult m_lastResult;

    This template is base class for friendly C++ wrapper around DirectFB
    interface T.

    The wrapper provides same API as DirectFB, with a few exceptions:
     - methods return true/false instead of error code
     - methods that return or create another interface return pointer to the
       interface (or NULL on failure) instead of storing it in the last
     - interface arguments use wxFooPtr type instead of raw DirectFB pointer
     - methods taking flags use int type instead of an enum when the flags
       can be or-combination of enum elements (this is workaround for
       C++-unfriendly DirectFB API)
template<typename T>
class wxDfbWrapper : public wxDfbWrapperBase
    /// "Raw" DirectFB interface type
    typedef T DirectFBIface;

    /// Returns raw DirectFB pointer
    T *GetRaw() const { return m_ptr; }

    /// To be called from ctor. Takes ownership of raw object.
    void Init(T *ptr) { m_ptr = ptr; }

    /// Dtor may only be used from Release
        if ( m_ptr )

    // pointer to DirectFB object
    T *m_ptr;

// wxIDirectFBFont

struct wxIDirectFBFont : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBFont>
    wxIDirectFBFont(IDirectFBFont *s) { Init(s); }

    bool GetStringWidth(const char *text, int bytes, int *w)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetStringWidth(m_ptr, text, bytes, w)); }

    bool GetStringExtents(const char *text, int bytes,
                          DFBRectangle *logicalRect, DFBRectangle *inkRect)
        return Check(m_ptr->GetStringExtents(m_ptr, text, bytes,
                                               logicalRect, inkRect));

    bool GetHeight(int *h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetHeight(m_ptr, h)); }

    bool GetDescender(int *descender)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetDescender(m_ptr, descender)); }

// wxIDirectFBPalette

struct wxIDirectFBPalette : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBPalette>
    wxIDirectFBPalette(IDirectFBPalette *s) { Init(s); }

// wxIDirectFBSurface

struct wxIDirectFBSurface : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBSurface>
    wxIDirectFBSurface(IDirectFBSurface *s) { Init(s); }

    bool GetSize(int *w, int *h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetSize(m_ptr, w, h)); }

    bool GetCapabilities(DFBSurfaceCapabilities *caps)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetCapabilities(m_ptr, caps)); }

    bool GetPixelFormat(DFBSurfacePixelFormat *caps)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetPixelFormat(m_ptr, caps)); }

    // convenience version of GetPixelFormat, returns DSPF_UNKNOWN if fails
    DFBSurfacePixelFormat GetPixelFormat();

    bool SetClip(const DFBRegion *clip)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetClip(m_ptr, clip)); }

    bool SetColor(u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetColor(m_ptr, r, g, b, a)); }

    bool Clear(u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
        { return Check(m_ptr->Clear(m_ptr, r, g, b, a)); }

    bool DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
        { return Check(m_ptr->DrawLine(m_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2)); }

    bool DrawRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->DrawRectangle(m_ptr, x, y, w, h)); }

    bool FillRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->FillRectangle(m_ptr, x, y, w, h)); }

    bool SetFont(const wxIDirectFBFontPtr& font)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetFont(m_ptr, font->GetRaw())); }

    bool DrawString(const char *text, int bytes, int x, int y, int flags)
        return Check(m_ptr->DrawString(m_ptr, text, bytes, x, y,

        Updates the front buffer from the back buffer. If @a region is not
        NULL, only given rectangle is updated.
    bool FlipToFront(const DFBRegion *region = NULL);

    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr GetSubSurface(const DFBRectangle *rect)
        IDirectFBSurface *s;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->GetSubSurface(m_ptr, rect, &s)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBSurface(s);
            return NULL;

    wxIDirectFBPalettePtr GetPalette()
        IDirectFBPalette *s;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->GetPalette(m_ptr, &s)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBPalette(s);
            return NULL;

    bool SetPalette(const wxIDirectFBPalettePtr& pal)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetPalette(m_ptr, pal->GetRaw())); }

    bool SetBlittingFlags(int flags)
        return Check(
            m_ptr->SetBlittingFlags(m_ptr, (DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags)flags));

    bool Blit(const wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr& source,
              const DFBRectangle *source_rect,
              int x, int y)
        { return Blit(source->GetRaw(), source_rect, x, y); }

    bool Blit(IDirectFBSurface *source,
              const DFBRectangle *source_rect,
              int x, int y)
        { return Check(m_ptr->Blit(m_ptr, source, source_rect, x, y)); }

    bool StretchBlit(const wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr& source,
              const DFBRectangle *source_rect,
              const DFBRectangle *dest_rect)
        return Check(m_ptr->StretchBlit(m_ptr, source->GetRaw(),
                                        source_rect, dest_rect));

    /// Returns bit depth used by the surface or -1 on error
    int GetDepth();

        Creates a new surface by cloning this one. New surface will have same
        capabilities, pixel format and pixel data as the existing one.

        @see CreateCompatible
    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr Clone();

    /// Flags for CreateCompatible()
    enum CreateCompatibleFlags
        /// Don't create double-buffered surface
        CreateCompatible_NoBackBuffer = 1

        Creates a surface compatible with this one, i.e. surface with the same
        capabilities and pixel format, but with different and size.

        @param size  Size of the surface to create. If wxDefaultSize, use the
                     size of this surface.
        @param flags Or-combination of CreateCompatibleFlags values
    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr CreateCompatible(const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                                           int flags = 0);

    bool Lock(DFBSurfaceLockFlags flags, void **ret_ptr, int *ret_pitch)
        { return Check(m_ptr->Lock(m_ptr, flags, ret_ptr, ret_pitch)); }

    bool Unlock()
        { return Check(m_ptr->Unlock(m_ptr)); }

    /// Helper struct for safe locking & unlocking of surfaces
    struct Locked
        Locked(const wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr& surface, DFBSurfaceLockFlags flags)
            : m_surface(surface)
            if ( !surface->Lock(flags, &ptr, &pitch) )
                ptr = NULL;

            if ( ptr )

        void *ptr;
        int pitch;

        wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr m_surface;

    // this is private because we want user code to use FlipToFront()
    bool Flip(const DFBRegion *region, int flags);

// wxIDirectFBEventBuffer

struct wxIDirectFBEventBuffer : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBEventBuffer>
    wxIDirectFBEventBuffer(IDirectFBEventBuffer *s) { Init(s); }

    bool CreateFileDescriptor(int *ret_fd)
        return Check(m_ptr->CreateFileDescriptor(m_ptr, ret_fd));

// wxIDirectFBWindow

struct wxIDirectFBWindow : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBWindow>
    wxIDirectFBWindow(IDirectFBWindow *s) { Init(s); }

    bool GetID(DFBWindowID *id)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetID(m_ptr, id)); }

    bool GetPosition(int *x, int *y)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetPosition(m_ptr, x, y)); }

    bool GetSize(int *w, int *h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetSize(m_ptr, w, h)); }

    bool MoveTo(int x, int y)
        { return Check(m_ptr->MoveTo(m_ptr, x, y)); }

    bool Resize(int w, int h)
        { return Check(m_ptr->Resize(m_ptr, w, h)); }

    bool SetOpacity(u8 opacity)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetOpacity(m_ptr, opacity)); }

    bool SetStackingClass(DFBWindowStackingClass klass)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetStackingClass(m_ptr, klass)); }

    bool RaiseToTop()
        { return Check(m_ptr->RaiseToTop(m_ptr)); }

    bool LowerToBottom()
        { return Check(m_ptr->LowerToBottom(m_ptr)); }

    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr GetSurface()
        IDirectFBSurface *s;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->GetSurface(m_ptr, &s)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBSurface(s);
            return NULL;

    bool AttachEventBuffer(const wxIDirectFBEventBufferPtr& buffer)
        { return Check(m_ptr->AttachEventBuffer(m_ptr, buffer->GetRaw())); }

    bool RequestFocus()
        { return Check(m_ptr->RequestFocus(m_ptr)); }

    bool Destroy()
        { return Check(m_ptr->Destroy(m_ptr)); }

// wxIDirectFBDisplayLayer

struct wxIDirectFBDisplayLayer : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFBDisplayLayer>
    wxIDirectFBDisplayLayer(IDirectFBDisplayLayer *s) { Init(s); }

    wxIDirectFBWindowPtr CreateWindow(const DFBWindowDescription *desc)
        IDirectFBWindow *w;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->CreateWindow(m_ptr, desc, &w)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBWindow(w);
            return NULL;

    bool GetConfiguration(DFBDisplayLayerConfig *config)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetConfiguration(m_ptr, config)); }

    wxVideoMode GetVideoMode();

    bool GetCursorPosition(int *x, int *y)
        { return Check(m_ptr->GetCursorPosition(m_ptr, x, y)); }

    bool WarpCursor(int x, int y)
        { return Check(m_ptr->WarpCursor(m_ptr, x, y)); }

// wxIDirectFB

struct wxIDirectFB : public wxDfbWrapper<IDirectFB>
        Returns pointer to DirectFB singleton object, it never returns NULL
        after wxApp was initialized. The object is cached, so calling this
        method is cheap.
    static wxIDirectFBPtr Get()
        if ( !ms_ptr ) CreateDirectFB();
        return ms_ptr;

    bool SetVideoMode(int w, int h, int bpp)
        { return Check(m_ptr->SetVideoMode(m_ptr, w, h, bpp)); }

    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr CreateSurface(const DFBSurfaceDescription *desc)
        IDirectFBSurface *s;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->CreateSurface(m_ptr, desc, &s)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBSurface(s);
            return NULL;

    wxIDirectFBEventBufferPtr CreateEventBuffer()
        IDirectFBEventBuffer *b;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->CreateEventBuffer(m_ptr, &b)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBEventBuffer(b);
            return NULL;

    wxIDirectFBFontPtr CreateFont(const char *filename,
                                  const DFBFontDescription *desc)
        IDirectFBFont *f;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->CreateFont(m_ptr, filename, desc, &f)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBFont(f);
            return NULL;

    GetDisplayLayer(DFBDisplayLayerID id = DLID_PRIMARY)
        IDirectFBDisplayLayer *l;
        if ( Check(m_ptr->GetDisplayLayer(m_ptr, id, &l)) )
            return new wxIDirectFBDisplayLayer(l);
            return NULL;

    /// Returns primary surface
    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr GetPrimarySurface();

    wxIDirectFB(IDirectFB *ptr) { Init(ptr); }

    // creates ms_ptr instance
    static void CreateDirectFB();

    static void CleanUp();
    friend class wxApp; // calls CleanUp

    // pointer to the singleton IDirectFB object
    static wxIDirectFBPtr ms_ptr;

#endif // _WX_DFB_WRAPDFB_H_