powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / bmpbuttn.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 4 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/bmpbuttn.h
// Purpose:     wxBitmapButton class interface
// Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created:     25.08.00
// Copyright:   (c) 2000 Vadim Zeitlin
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


#include "wx/defs.h"


#include "wx/button.h"

// FIXME: right now only wxMSW, wxGTK and wxOSX implement bitmap support in wxButton
//        itself, this shouldn't be used for the other platforms either
//        when all of them do it
#if (defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK20__) || defined(__WXOSX__) || defined(__WXQT__)) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
    #define wxHAS_BUTTON_BITMAP

class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxBitmapButton;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxBitmapButton: a button which shows bitmaps instead of the usual string.
// It has different bitmaps for different states (focused/disabled/pressed)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxBitmapButtonBase : public wxButton
        m_marginX =
        m_marginY = 0;

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
                wxWindowID winid,
                const wxPoint& pos,
                const wxSize& size,
                long style,
                const wxValidator& validator,
                const wxString& name)
        // We use wxBU_NOTEXT to let the base class Create() know that we are
        // not going to show the label: this is a hack needed for wxGTK where
        // we can show both label and bitmap only with GTK 2.6+ but we always
        // can show just one of them and this style allows us to choose which
        // one we need.
        // And we also use wxBU_EXACTFIT to avoid being resized up to the
        // standard button size as this doesn't make sense for bitmap buttons
        // which are not standard anyhow and should fit their bitmap size.
        return wxButton::Create(parent, winid, wxString(),
                                pos, size,
                                style | wxBU_NOTEXT | wxBU_EXACTFIT,
                                validator, name);

        Derived classes also need to declare, but not define, as it's done in
        common code in bmpbtncmn.cpp, the following function:

    bool CreateCloseButton(wxWindow* parent,
                           wxWindowID winid,
                           const wxString& name = wxString());

        which is used by NewCloseButton(), and, as Create(), must be
        called on default-constructed wxBitmapButton object.

    // Special creation function for a standard "Close" bitmap. It allows to
    // simply create a close button with the image appropriate for the current
    // platform.
    static wxBitmapButton*
    NewCloseButton(wxWindow* parent,
                   wxWindowID winid,
                   const wxString& name = wxString());

    // set/get the margins around the button
    virtual void SetMargins(int x, int y)
        DoSetBitmapMargins(x, y);

    int GetMarginX() const { return DoGetBitmapMargins().x; }
    int GetMarginY() const { return DoGetBitmapMargins().y; }

    // function called when any of the bitmaps changes
    virtual void OnSetBitmap() { InvalidateBestSize(); Refresh(); }

    virtual wxBitmap DoGetBitmap(State which) const
        { return m_bitmaps[which].GetBitmap(wxDefaultSize); }
    virtual void DoSetBitmap(const wxBitmapBundle& bitmap, State which)
        { m_bitmaps[which] = bitmap; OnSetBitmap(); }

    virtual wxSize DoGetBitmapMargins() const
        return wxSize(m_marginX, m_marginY);

    virtual void DoSetBitmapMargins(int x, int y)
        m_marginX = x;
        m_marginY = y;

    // the bitmap bundles for various states
    wxBitmapBundle m_bitmaps[State_Max];

    // the margins around the bitmap
    int m_marginX,
#endif // !wxHAS_BUTTON_BITMAP


#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
    #include "wx/univ/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
    #include "wx/msw/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
    #include "wx/motif/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK20__)
    #include "wx/gtk/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
    #include "wx/gtk1/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
    #include "wx/osx/bmpbuttn.h"
#elif defined(__WXQT__)
    #include "wx/qt/bmpbuttn.h"

#endif // wxUSE_BMPBUTTON