powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / fswatcher.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 11 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/fswatcher.h
// Purpose:     wxFileSystemWatcherBase
// Author:      Bartosz Bekier
// Created:     2009-05-23
// Copyright:   (c) 2009 Bartosz Bekier <>
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


#include "wx/defs.h"


#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/event.h"
#include "wx/evtloop.h"
#include "wx/filename.h"
#include "wx/dir.h"
#include "wx/hashmap.h"

#define wxTRACE_FSWATCHER "fswatcher"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileSystemWatcherEventType & wxFileSystemWatcherEvent
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Possible types of file system events.
 * This is a subset that will work fine an all platforms (actually, we will
 * see how it works on Mac).
 * We got 2 types of error events:
 * - warning: these are not fatal and further events can still be generated
 * - error: indicates fatal error and causes that no more events will happen
    wxFSW_EVENT_CREATE = 0x01,
    wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE = 0x02,
    wxFSW_EVENT_RENAME = 0x04,
    wxFSW_EVENT_MODIFY = 0x08,
    wxFSW_EVENT_ACCESS = 0x10,
    wxFSW_EVENT_ATTRIB = 0x20, // Currently this is wxGTK-only

    // error events
    wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING = 0x40,
    wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR = 0x80,
                         wxFSW_EVENT_RENAME | wxFSW_EVENT_MODIFY |
                         wxFSW_EVENT_ACCESS | wxFSW_EVENT_ATTRIB |
                         wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING | wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR
    ,wxFSW_EVENT_UNMOUNT = 0x2000

// Type of the path watched, used only internally for now.
enum wxFSWPathType
    wxFSWPath_None,     // Invalid value for an initialized watch.
    wxFSWPath_File,     // Plain file.
    wxFSWPath_Dir,      // Watch a directory and the files in it.
    wxFSWPath_Tree      // Watch a directory and all its children recursively.

// Type of the warning for the events notifying about them.
enum wxFSWWarningType

 * Event containing information about file system change.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherEvent;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherEvent: public wxEvent
    // Constructor for any kind of events, also used as default ctor.
    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType = 0, int watchid = wxID_ANY) :
        wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER),

    // Constructor for the error or warning events.
    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType,
                             wxFSWWarningType warningType,
                             const wxString& errorMsg = wxString(),
                             int watchid = wxID_ANY) :
        wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER),

    // Constructor for the normal events carrying information about the changes.
    wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(int changeType,
                             const wxFileName& path, const wxFileName& newPath,
                             int watchid = wxID_ANY) :
         wxEvent(watchid, wxEVT_FSWATCHER),


     * Returns the path at which the event occurred.
    const wxFileName& GetPath() const
        return m_path;

     * Sets the path at which the event occurred
    void SetPath(const wxFileName& path)
        m_path = path;

     * In case of rename(move?) events, returns the new path related to the
     * event. The "new" means newer in the sense of time. In case of other
     * events it returns the same path as GetPath().
    const wxFileName& GetNewPath() const
        return m_newPath;

     * Sets the new path related to the event. See above.
    void SetNewPath(const wxFileName& path)
        m_newPath = path;

     * Returns the type of file system event that occurred.
    int GetChangeType() const
        return m_changeType;

    virtual wxEvent* Clone() const wxOVERRIDE
        wxFileSystemWatcherEvent* evt = new wxFileSystemWatcherEvent(*this);
        evt->m_errorMsg = m_errorMsg.Clone();
        evt->m_path = wxFileName(m_path.GetFullPath().Clone());
        evt->m_newPath = wxFileName(m_newPath.GetFullPath().Clone());
        evt->m_warningType = m_warningType;
        return evt;

    virtual wxEventCategory GetEventCategory() const wxOVERRIDE
        // TODO this has to be merged with "similar" categories and changed
        return wxEVT_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN;

     * Returns if this error is an error event
    bool IsError() const
        return (m_changeType & (wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR | wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING)) != 0;

    wxString GetErrorDescription() const
        return m_errorMsg;

    wxFSWWarningType GetWarningType() const
        return m_warningType;

     * Returns a wxString describing an event useful for debugging or testing
    wxString ToString() const;

    int m_changeType;
    wxFSWWarningType m_warningType;
    wxFileName m_path;
    wxFileName m_newPath;
    wxString m_errorMsg;

typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxFileSystemWatcherEventFunction)

#define wxFileSystemWatcherEventHandler(func) \
    wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxFileSystemWatcherEventFunction, func)

#define EVT_FSWATCHER(winid, func) \
    wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_FSWATCHER, winid, wxFileSystemWatcherEventHandler(func))

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileSystemWatcherBase: interface for wxFileSystemWatcher
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Simple container to store information about one watched path.
class wxFSWatchInfo
    wxFSWatchInfo() :
        m_events(-1), m_type(wxFSWPath_None), m_refcount(-1)

    wxFSWatchInfo(const wxString& path,
                  int events,
                  wxFSWPathType type,
                  const wxString& filespec = wxString()) :
        m_path(path), m_filespec(filespec), m_events(events), m_type(type),

    const wxString& GetPath() const
        return m_path;

    const wxString& GetFilespec() const { return m_filespec; }

    int GetFlags() const
        return m_events;

    wxFSWPathType GetType() const
        return m_type;

    // Reference counting of watch entries is used to avoid watching the same
    // file system path multiple times (this can happen even accidentally, e.g.
    // when you have a recursive watch and then decide to watch some file or
    // directory under it separately).
    int IncRef()
        return ++m_refcount;

    int DecRef()
        wxASSERT_MSG( m_refcount > 0, wxS("Trying to decrement a zero count") );
        return --m_refcount;

    wxString m_path;
    wxString m_filespec;      // For tree watches, holds any filespec to apply
    int m_events;
    wxFSWPathType m_type;
    int m_refcount;


 * Encapsulation of platform-specific file system event mechanism
class wxFSWatcherImpl;

 * Main entry point for clients interested in file system events.
 * Defines interface that can be used to receive that kind of events.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileSystemWatcherBase: public wxEvtHandler

    virtual ~wxFileSystemWatcherBase();

     * Adds path to currently watched files. Any events concerning this
     * particular path will be sent to handler. Optionally a filter can be
     * specified to receive only events of particular type.
     * Please note that when adding a dir, immediate children will be watched
     * as well.
    virtual bool Add(const wxFileName& path, int events = wxFSW_EVENT_ALL);

     * Like above, but recursively adds every file/dir in the tree rooted in
     * path. Additionally a file mask can be specified to include only files
     * of particular type.
    virtual bool AddTree(const wxFileName& path, int events = wxFSW_EVENT_ALL,
                         const wxString& filespec = wxEmptyString);

     * Removes path from the list of watched paths.
    virtual bool Remove(const wxFileName& path);

     * Same as above, but also removes every file belonging to the tree rooted
     * at path.
    virtual bool RemoveTree(const wxFileName& path);

     * Clears the list of currently watched paths.
    virtual bool RemoveAll();

     * Returns the number of watched paths
    int GetWatchedPathsCount() const;

     * Retrieves all watched paths and places them in wxArrayString. Returns
     * the number of paths.
     * TODO think about API here: we need to return more information (like is
     * the path watched recursively)
    int GetWatchedPaths(wxArrayString* paths) const;

    wxEvtHandler* GetOwner() const
        return m_owner;

    void SetOwner(wxEvtHandler* handler)
        if (!handler)
            m_owner = this;
            m_owner = handler;

    // This is a semi-private function used by wxWidgets itself only.
    // Delegates the real work of adding the path to wxFSWatcherImpl::Add() and
    // updates m_watches if the new path was successfully added.
    bool AddAny(const wxFileName& path, int events, wxFSWPathType type,
                const wxString& filespec = wxString());


    static wxString GetCanonicalPath(const wxFileName& path)
        return path.GetAbsolutePath();

    wxFSWatchInfoMap m_watches;        // path=>wxFSWatchInfo map
    wxFSWatcherImpl* m_service;     // file system events service
    wxEvtHandler* m_owner;             // handler for file system events

    friend class wxFSWatcherImpl;

// include the platform specific file defining wxFileSystemWatcher
// inheriting from wxFileSystemWatcherBase

#ifdef wxHAS_INOTIFY
    #include "wx/unix/fswatcher_inotify.h"
    #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher
    #include "wx/unix/fswatcher_kqueue.h"
    #include "wx/osx/fswatcher_fsevents.h"
    #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxFsEventsFileSystemWatcher
#elif defined(wxHAS_KQUEUE)
    #include "wx/unix/fswatcher_kqueue.h"
    #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxKqueueFileSystemWatcher
#elif defined(__WINDOWS__)
    #include "wx/msw/fswatcher.h"
    #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxMSWFileSystemWatcher
    #include "wx/generic/fswatcher.h"
    #define wxFileSystemWatcher wxPollingFileSystemWatcher

#endif // wxUSE_FSWATCHER

#endif /* _WX_FSWATCHER_BASE_H_ */