pbuf / inc / tlpbuf.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 14 Oct 2022 7 KB ...
#ifndef _TLPBUF_H
#define _TLPBUF_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <string.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

typedef void (*pbuf_callback_t)(void*);		//function pointer that will be called when a pbuf is freed in this pool

struct pbuf_pool_s;

typedef struct pbuf_s
	uint8_t* payload;
	uint32_t length;

	uint32_t capacity;
	uint8_t* payload_memory;

	struct pbuf_s* next;			//used to link pbufs
	struct pbuf_pool_s* pool;

	void* user;

typedef struct pbuf_pool_s
	pbuf_t* pbuf_memory;
	uint32_t pbuf_count;

	uint8_t* payload_memory;
	uint32_t payload_capacity;
	uint32_t pbufs_available;
	pbuf_t* free_list;
	pbuf_callback_t free_callback;
	void* free_callback_user;

#define PBUF_DECLARE_POOL(pool_name, pbuf_count, pbuf_size) \
static uint8_t pool_name##_payload_memory[(pbuf_count) * (((pbuf_size) + 3) & ~3)] __attribute__((aligned(4))); \
static pbuf_t pool_name##_memory[pbuf_count]; \
pbuf_pool_t pool_name

#define STATIC_PBUF_DECLARE_POOL(pool_name, pbuf_count, pbuf_size) \
static uint8_t pool_name##_payload_memory[(pbuf_count) * (((pbuf_size) + 3) & ~3)] __attribute__((aligned(4))); \
static pbuf_t pool_name##_memory[pbuf_count]; \
static pbuf_pool_t pool_name

#define PBUF_INIT_POOL(pool_name) \
	pbuf_pool_create(&pool_name, \
						sizeof(pool_name##_memory) / sizeof(pbuf_t), \
						pool_name##_memory, \
						sizeof(pool_name##_payload_memory) / (sizeof(pool_name##_memory) / sizeof(pbuf_t)), \

	\brief Creates a new pool of pbufs

	\param pool 		Pointer to a pbuf_pool_t structure that will be initialized
	\param pbuf_count	Number of pbufs to create in the pbuf pool
	\param pbuf_memory	Pointer to a statically allocated area of memory for storing the pbuf structures. 
	\param payload_capacity	Size of the pbuf payload.
	\param payload_memory		Pointer to statically allocated memory that will be used for storing the pbuf attached buffers
	pbuf_memory needs to be a statically allocated memory chunk of size: pbuf_count * sizeof(pbuf_t) (bytes)
	payload_memory needs to be a statically allocated memory chunk of size: pbuf_count * pbuf_payload_size (bytes)

void pbuf_pool_create(pbuf_pool_t *pool, uint32_t pbuf_count, void* pbuf_memory, uint32_t payload_capacity, void* payload_memory);
void pbuf_pool_reset(pbuf_pool_t* pool);

#ifdef DEBUG
void pbuf_pool_dump(pbuf_pool_t* pool);
static inline void pbuf_pool_dump(pbuf_pool_t* pool) {}

static inline uint32_t pbuf_pool_get_available(pbuf_pool_t* pool)
	return pool->pbufs_available;

static inline void pbuf_reset(pbuf_t* p)
	p->payload = p->payload_memory;
	p->capacity = p->pool->payload_capacity;

static inline uint32_t pbuf_offset(pbuf_t* p)
	return p->payload - p->payload_memory;

static inline pbuf_t* pbuf_pool_alloc(pbuf_pool_t* pool)
	pbuf_t* p = pool->free_list;

	if (p)
		pool->free_list = pool->free_list->next;		//remove it from the list

	return p;

static inline void pbuf_pool_free(pbuf_t* p)
	if (p)
		p->next = p->pool->free_list;		//add it back to the free list
		p->pool->free_list = p;

		if (p->pool->free_callback)				//call the hook if we have one

static inline void pbuf_queue_free(pbuf_t* queue)
		pbuf_t *p = queue;
		queue = queue->next;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_uint8(pbuf_t* p, uint8_t value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;
	*p->payload++ = value;
	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_uint16(pbuf_t* p, uint16_t value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;
	*p->payload++ = value;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 8;

	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_uint32(pbuf_t* p, uint32_t value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;

	*p->payload++ = value;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 8;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 16;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 24;
	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_uint64(pbuf_t* p, uint64_t value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;

	*p->payload++ = value;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 8;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 16;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 24;

	*p->payload++ = value >> 32;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 40;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 48;
	*p->payload++ = value >> 56;
	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_float(pbuf_t* p, float value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;
	memcpy(p->payload, &value, sizeof(value));
	p->payload += sizeof(value); 
	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_double(pbuf_t* p, double value)
	if ((p->length + sizeof(value)) > p->capacity)
		return false;
	memcpy(p->payload, &value, sizeof(value));
	p->payload += sizeof(value); 
	p->length += sizeof(value);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_insert_data(pbuf_t* p, const void* data, size_t size)
	if ((p->length + size) > p->capacity)
		return false;
	memcpy(p->payload, data, size);
	p->payload += size;
	p->length += size;

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_uint8(pbuf_t* p, uint8_t* value)
	if (p->length < sizeof(uint8_t))
		return false;

	*value = *p->payload++;

	p->length -= sizeof(uint8_t);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_uint16(pbuf_t* p, uint16_t* value)
	if (p->length < sizeof(uint16_t))
		return false;
	*value = ((uint16_t)p->payload[1] << 8) + p->payload[0];
	p->payload += sizeof(uint16_t);
	p->length -= sizeof(uint16_t);
	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_uint32(pbuf_t* p, uint32_t* value)
	if (p->length < sizeof(uint32_t))
		return false;

	*value = ((uint32_t)p->payload[3] << 24) + 
			((uint32_t)p->payload[2] << 16) + 
			((uint32_t)p->payload[1] << 8) + 

	p->payload += sizeof(uint32_t);
	p->length -= sizeof(uint32_t);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_uint64(pbuf_t* p, uint64_t* value)
	if (p->length < sizeof(uint64_t))
		return false;

	*value = ((uint64_t)p->payload[7] << 56) + 
			((uint64_t)p->payload[6] << 48) + 
			((uint64_t)p->payload[5] << 40) + 
			((uint64_t)p->payload[4] << 32) + 
			((uint32_t)p->payload[3] << 24) + 
			((uint32_t)p->payload[2] << 16) + 
			((uint32_t)p->payload[1] << 8) + 

	p->payload += sizeof(uint64_t);
	p->length -= sizeof(uint64_t);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_float32(pbuf_t* p, float* value)
	if (p->length < sizeof(float))
		return false;

	memcpy(value, p->payload, sizeof(float));

	p->payload += sizeof(float);
	p->length -= sizeof(float);

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_data(pbuf_t* p, void* data, size_t size)
	if (p->length < size)
		return false;

	memcpy(data, p->payload, size);
	p->payload += size;
	p->length -= size;

	return true;

static inline bool pbuf_extract_pointer(pbuf_t* p, void** data, size_t size)
	if (p->length < size)
		return false;

	*data = p->payload;
	p->payload += size;
	p->length -= size;

	return true;

#ifdef __cplusplus
