rtlibc / template / rtlibc_conf.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 23 Nov 2019 1 KB Initial import.
*	File: rtlibc_conf.h
*	Description:	RTLIBC configuration include file
*					Must be copied in the application directory 
*					and customized.
*	(C) 2016 Thornwave Labs LLC.
*	This unpublished material is property of Thornwave Labs LLC.
*	All rights reserved. The methods and techniques described herein 
*	are considered trade secrets and/or confidential. 
*	Reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, is forbidden 
*	except by express written permission of Thornwave Labs LLC.
*	Current version: 1.0
*	Change log
*   **********
*	1.0		Razvan Turiac	3/9/2016	Initial version
#ifndef _RTLIBC_CONF_H
#define _RTLIBC_CONF_H

//define this if the assert() code is needed
//if defined it will require the following hookups to be provided by the application
//void assert_failed_handler(const char *message, const char *file_name, uint32_t line_no);

//if defined it will use FreeRTOS allocator to provide malloc(), realloc() and free()
