powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / taskbarbutton.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 8 KB Initial import
// Name:        include/taskbarbutton.h
// Purpose:     Defines wxTaskBarButton class for manipulating buttons on the
//              windows taskbar.
// Author:      Chaobin Zhang <>
// Created:     2014-04-30
// Copyright:   (c) 2014 wxWidgets development team
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


#include "wx/defs.h"


#include "wx/icon.h"
#include "wx/string.h"

class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxTaskBarButton;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxTaskBarJumpListCategory;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxTaskBarJumpList;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxTaskBarJumpListImpl;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTaskBarButton: define wxTaskBarButton interface.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    State of the task bar button.
enum wxTaskBarButtonState
    wxTASKBAR_BUTTON_NORMAL        = 2,
    wxTASKBAR_BUTTON_ERROR         = 4,
    wxTASKBAR_BUTTON_PAUSED        = 8

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxThumbBarButton : public wxObject
    wxThumbBarButton() : m_taskBarButtonParent(NULL)
    { }

    wxThumbBarButton(int id,
                     const wxIcon& icon,
                     const wxString& tooltip = wxString(),
                     bool enable = true,
                     bool dismissOnClick = false,
                     bool hasBackground = true,
                     bool shown = true,
                     bool interactive = true);

    bool Create(int id,
                const wxIcon& icon,
                const wxString& tooltip = wxString(),
                bool enable = true,
                bool dismissOnClick = false,
                bool hasBackground = true,
                bool shown = true,
                bool interactive = true);
    int GetID() const { return m_id; }
    const wxIcon& GetIcon() const { return m_icon; }
    const wxString& GetTooltip() const { return m_tooltip; }

    bool IsEnable() const { return m_enable; }
    void Enable(bool enable = true);
    void Disable() { Enable(false); }

    bool IsDismissOnClick() const { return m_dismissOnClick; }
    void EnableDismissOnClick(bool enable = true);
    void DisableDimissOnClick() { EnableDismissOnClick(false); }

    bool HasBackground() const { return m_hasBackground; }
    void SetHasBackground(bool has = true);

    bool IsShown() const { return m_shown; }
    void Show(bool shown = true);
    void Hide() { Show(false); }

    bool IsInteractive() const { return m_interactive; }
    void SetInteractive(bool interactive = true);

    void SetParent(wxTaskBarButton *parent) { m_taskBarButtonParent = parent; }
    wxTaskBarButton* GetParent() const { return m_taskBarButtonParent; }

    bool UpdateParentTaskBarButton();

    int m_id;
    wxIcon m_icon;
    wxString m_tooltip;
    bool m_enable;
    bool m_dismissOnClick;
    bool m_hasBackground;
    bool m_shown;
    bool m_interactive;
    wxTaskBarButton *m_taskBarButtonParent;


class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTaskBarButton
    // Factory function, may return NULL if task bar buttons are not supported
    // by the current system.
    static wxTaskBarButton* New(wxWindow* parent);

    virtual ~wxTaskBarButton() { }

    // Operations:
    virtual void SetProgressRange(int range) = 0;
    virtual void SetProgressValue(int value) = 0;
    virtual void PulseProgress() = 0;
    virtual void Show(bool show = true) = 0;
    virtual void Hide() = 0;
    virtual void SetThumbnailTooltip(const wxString& tooltip) = 0;
    virtual void SetProgressState(wxTaskBarButtonState state) = 0;
    virtual void SetOverlayIcon(const wxIcon& icon,
                                const wxString& description = wxString()) = 0;
    virtual void SetThumbnailClip(const wxRect& rect) = 0;
    virtual void SetThumbnailContents(const wxWindow *child) = 0;
    virtual bool InsertThumbBarButton(size_t pos, wxThumbBarButton *button) = 0;
    virtual bool AppendThumbBarButton(wxThumbBarButton *button) = 0;
    virtual bool AppendSeparatorInThumbBar() = 0;
    virtual wxThumbBarButton* RemoveThumbBarButton(wxThumbBarButton *button) = 0;
    virtual wxThumbBarButton* RemoveThumbBarButton(int id) = 0;
    virtual void Realize() = 0;

    wxTaskBarButton() { }


enum wxTaskBarJumpListItemType

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTaskBarJumpListItem
    wxTaskBarJumpListItem(wxTaskBarJumpListCategory *parentCategory = NULL,
        wxTaskBarJumpListItemType type = wxTASKBAR_JUMP_LIST_SEPARATOR,
        const wxString& title = wxEmptyString,
        const wxString& filePath = wxEmptyString,
        const wxString& arguments = wxEmptyString,
        const wxString& tooltip = wxEmptyString,
        const wxString& iconPath = wxEmptyString,
        int iconIndex = 0);

    wxTaskBarJumpListItemType GetType() const;
    void SetType(wxTaskBarJumpListItemType type);
    const wxString& GetTitle() const;
    void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
    const wxString& GetFilePath() const;
    void SetFilePath(const wxString& filePath);
    const wxString& GetArguments() const;
    void SetArguments(const wxString& arguments);
    const wxString& GetTooltip() const;
    void SetTooltip(const wxString& tooltip);
    const wxString& GetIconPath() const;
    void SetIconPath(const wxString& iconPath);
    int GetIconIndex() const;
    void SetIconIndex(int iconIndex);
    wxTaskBarJumpListCategory* GetCategory() const;
    void SetCategory(wxTaskBarJumpListCategory *category);

    wxTaskBarJumpListCategory *m_parentCategory;
    wxTaskBarJumpListItemType m_type;
    wxString m_title;
    wxString m_filePath;
    wxString m_arguments;
    wxString m_tooltip;
    wxString m_iconPath;
    int      m_iconIndex;


typedef wxVector<wxTaskBarJumpListItem*> wxTaskBarJumpListItems;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTaskBarJumpListCategory
    wxTaskBarJumpListCategory(wxTaskBarJumpList *parent = NULL,
                              const wxString& title = wxEmptyString);
    virtual ~wxTaskBarJumpListCategory();

    wxTaskBarJumpListItem* Append(wxTaskBarJumpListItem *item);
    void Delete(wxTaskBarJumpListItem *item);
    wxTaskBarJumpListItem* Remove(wxTaskBarJumpListItem *item);
    wxTaskBarJumpListItem* FindItemByPosition(size_t pos) const;
    wxTaskBarJumpListItem* Insert(size_t pos, wxTaskBarJumpListItem *item);
    wxTaskBarJumpListItem* Prepend(wxTaskBarJumpListItem *item);
    void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
    const wxString& GetTitle() const;
    const wxTaskBarJumpListItems& GetItems() const;

    friend class wxTaskBarJumpListItem;

    void Update();

    wxTaskBarJumpList *m_parent;
    wxTaskBarJumpListItems m_items;
    wxString m_title;


typedef wxVector<wxTaskBarJumpListCategory*> wxTaskBarJumpListCategories;

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTaskBarJumpList
    wxTaskBarJumpList(const wxString& appID = wxEmptyString);
    virtual ~wxTaskBarJumpList();
    void ShowRecentCategory(bool shown = true);
    void HideRecentCategory();
    void ShowFrequentCategory(bool shown = true);
    void HideFrequentCategory();

    wxTaskBarJumpListCategory& GetTasks() const;
    const wxTaskBarJumpListCategory& GetFrequentCategory() const;
    const wxTaskBarJumpListCategory& GetRecentCategory() const;
    const wxTaskBarJumpListCategories& GetCustomCategories() const;

    void AddCustomCategory(wxTaskBarJumpListCategory* category);
    wxTaskBarJumpListCategory* RemoveCustomCategory(const wxString& title);
    void DeleteCustomCategory(const wxString& title);

    friend class wxTaskBarJumpListCategory;

    void Update();
    wxTaskBarJumpListImpl *m_jumpListImpl;
