powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / persist / dataview.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 6 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/persist/dataview.h
// Purpose:     Persistence support for wxDataViewCtrl and its derivatives
// Author:      wxWidgets Team
// Created:     2017-08-21
// Copyright:   (c) 2017
// Licence:     wxWindows licence


#include "wx/persist/window.h"


#include "wx/dataview.h"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String constants used by wxPersistentDataViewCtrl.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define wxPERSIST_DVC_KIND "DataView"

#define wxPERSIST_DVC_HIDDEN "Hidden"
#define wxPERSIST_DVC_POS "Position"
#define wxPERSIST_DVC_TITLE "Title"
#define wxPERSIST_DVC_WIDTH "Width"

#define wxPERSIST_DVC_SORT_KEY "Sorting/Column"
#define wxPERSIST_DVC_SORT_ASC "Sorting/Asc"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPersistentDataViewCtrl: Saves and restores user modified column widths
// and single column sort order.
// Future improvements could be to save and restore column order if the user
// has changed it and multicolumn sorts.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class wxPersistentDataViewCtrl : public wxPersistentWindow<wxDataViewCtrl>
    wxPersistentDataViewCtrl(wxDataViewCtrl* control)
        : wxPersistentWindow<wxDataViewCtrl>(control)

    virtual void Save() const wxOVERRIDE
        wxDataViewCtrl* const control = Get();

        const wxDataViewColumn* sortColumn = NULL;

        for ( unsigned int col = 0; col < control->GetColumnCount(); col++ )
            const wxDataViewColumn* const column = control->GetColumn(col);

            // Create a prefix string to identify each column.
            const wxString columnPrefix = MakeColumnPrefix(column);

            // Save the column attributes.
            SaveValue(columnPrefix + wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_HIDDEN), column->IsHidden());
            SaveValue(columnPrefix + wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_POS),

            // We take special care to save only the specified width instead of
            // the currently used one. Usually they're one and the same, but
            // they can be different for the last column, whose size can be
            // greater than specified, as it's always expanded to fill the
            // entire control width.
            const int width = column->WXGetSpecifiedWidth();
            if ( width > 0 )
                SaveValue(columnPrefix + wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_WIDTH), width);

            // Check if this column is the current sort key.
            if ( column->IsSortKey() )
                sortColumn = column;

        // Note: The current implementation does not save and restore multi-
        // column sort keys.
        if ( control->IsMultiColumnSortAllowed() )

        // Save the sort key and direction if there is a valid sort.
        if ( sortColumn )
            SaveValue(wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_SORT_KEY), sortColumn->GetTitle());

    virtual bool Restore() wxOVERRIDE
        wxDataViewCtrl* const control = Get();

        for ( unsigned int col = 0; col < control->GetColumnCount(); col++ )
            wxDataViewColumn* const column = control->GetColumn(col);

            // Create a prefix string to identify each column within the
            // persistence store (columns are stored by title). The persistence
            // store benignly handles cases where the title is not found.
            const wxString columnPrefix = MakeColumnPrefix(column);

            // Restore column hidden status.
            bool hidden;
            if ( RestoreValue(columnPrefix + wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_HIDDEN), &hidden) )

            // Restore the column width.
            int width;
            if ( RestoreValue(columnPrefix + wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_WIDTH), &width) )

            // TODO: Set the column's view position.

        // Restore the sort key and order if there is a valid model and sort
        // criteria.
        wxString sortColumn;
        if ( control->GetModel() &&
             RestoreValue(wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_SORT_KEY), &sortColumn) &&
             !sortColumn.empty() )
            bool sortAsc = true;
            if ( wxDataViewColumn* column = GetColumnByTitle(control, sortColumn) )
                RestoreValue(wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_SORT_ASC), &sortAsc);

                // Resort the control based on the new sort criteria.

        return true;

    virtual wxString GetKind() const wxOVERRIDE
        return wxASCII_STR(wxPERSIST_DVC_KIND);

    // Return a (slash-terminated) prefix for the column-specific entries.
    static wxString MakeColumnPrefix(const wxDataViewColumn* column)
        return wxString::Format(wxASCII_STR("/Columns/%s/"), column->GetTitle());

    // Return the column with the given title or NULL.
    static wxDataViewColumn*
    GetColumnByTitle(wxDataViewCtrl* control, const wxString& title)
        for ( unsigned int col = 0; col < control->GetColumnCount(); col++ )
            if ( control->GetColumn(col)->GetTitle() == title )
                return control->GetColumn(col);

        return NULL;

inline wxPersistentObject *wxCreatePersistentObject(wxDataViewCtrl* control)
    return new wxPersistentDataViewCtrl(control);