powermon_manager_sw / lib / wxWidgets / include / wx / msw / dragimag.h
@Razvan Turiac Razvan Turiac on 8 Jul 6 KB Initial import
// Name:        wx/msw/dragimag.h
// Purpose:     wxDragImage class: a kind of a cursor, that can cope
//              with more sophisticated images
// Author:      Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created:     08/04/99
// Copyright:   (c) Julian Smart
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#ifndef _WX_DRAGIMAG_H_
#define _WX_DRAGIMAG_H_


#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/icon.h"
#include "wx/cursor.h"
#include "wx/treectrl.h"
#include "wx/listctrl.h"

// If 1, use a simple wxCursor instead of ImageList_SetDragCursorImage

  To use this class, create a wxDragImage when you start dragging, for example:

  void MyTreeCtrl::OnBeginDrag(wxTreeEvent& event)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    ::UpdateWindow((HWND) GetHWND()); // We need to implement this in wxWidgets


    m_dragImage = new wxDragImage(* this, itemId);
    m_dragImage->BeginDrag(wxPoint(0, 0), this);
    m_dragImage->Move(pt, this);

  In your OnMouseMove function, hide the image, do any display updating required,
  then move and show the image again:

  void MyTreeCtrl::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event)
    if (m_dragMode == MY_TREE_DRAG_NONE)

    // Prevent screen corruption by hiding the image
    if (m_dragImage)

    // Do some updating of the window, such as highlighting the drop target

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    if (updateWindow)
        ::UpdateWindow((HWND) GetHWND());

    // Move and show the image again
    m_dragImage->Move(event.GetPosition(), this);

 Eventually we end the drag and delete the drag image.

 void MyTreeCtrl::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event)

    // End the drag and delete the drag image
    if (m_dragImage)
        delete m_dragImage;
        m_dragImage = NULL;

 Notes for Unix version:
 Can we simply use cursors instead, creating a cursor dynamically, setting it into the window
 in BeginDrag, and restoring the old cursor in EndDrag?
 For a really bog-standard implementation, we could simply use a normal dragging cursor
 and ignore the image.

 * wxDragImage

class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxDragImage: public wxObject

    // Ctors & dtor

    wxDragImage(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor)

        Create(image, cursor);

    wxDragImage(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor)

        Create(image, cursor);

    wxDragImage(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor)

        Create(str, cursor);

    wxDragImage(const wxTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId& id)

        Create(treeCtrl, id);

    wxDragImage(const wxListCtrl& listCtrl, long id)

        Create(listCtrl, id);

    virtual ~wxDragImage();

    // Attributes

    // Operations

    // Create a drag image from a bitmap and optional cursor
    bool Create(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor);

    // Create a drag image from an icon and optional cursor
    bool Create(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor);

    // Create a drag image from a string and optional cursor
    bool Create(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor = wxNullCursor);

    // Create a drag image for the given tree control item
    bool Create(const wxTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId& id);

    // Create a drag image for the given list control item
    bool Create(const wxListCtrl& listCtrl, long id);

    // Begin drag. hotspot is the location of the drag position relative to the upper-left
    // corner of the image.
    bool BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, bool fullScreen = false, wxRect* rect = NULL);

    // Begin drag. hotspot is the location of the drag position relative to the upper-left
    // corner of the image. This is full screen only. fullScreenRect gives the
    // position of the window on the screen, to restrict the drag to.
    bool BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, wxWindow* fullScreenRect);

    // End drag
    bool EndDrag();

    // Move the image: call from OnMouseMove. Pt is in window client coordinates if window
    // is non-NULL, or in screen coordinates if NULL.
    bool Move(const wxPoint& pt);

    // Show the image
    bool Show();

    // Hide the image
    bool Hide();

    // Implementation

    // Initialize variables
    void Init();

    // Returns the native image list handle
    WXHIMAGELIST GetHIMAGELIST() const { return m_hImageList; }

    // Returns the native image list handle for the cursor
    WXHIMAGELIST GetCursorHIMAGELIST() const { return m_hCursorImageList; }

    // don't use in new code, use versions without hot spot parameter
    wxDEPRECATED_CONSTRUCTOR( wxDragImage(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );
    wxDEPRECATED_CONSTRUCTOR( wxDragImage(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );
    wxDEPRECATED_CONSTRUCTOR( wxDragImage(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );
    wxDEPRECATED( bool Create(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );
    wxDEPRECATED( bool Create(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );
    wxDEPRECATED( bool Create(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor, const wxPoint& cursorHotspot) );

    WXHIMAGELIST    m_hImageList;

    wxCursor        m_oldCursor;
    WXHIMAGELIST    m_hCursorImageList;

    wxCursor        m_cursor;
//    wxPoint         m_cursorHotspot; // Obsolete
    wxPoint         m_position;
    wxWindow*       m_window;
    wxRect          m_boundingRect;
    bool            m_fullScreen;


#endif // wxUSE_DRAGIMAGE
    // _WX_DRAGIMAG_H_